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Monday, July 27, 2015

Raya with Autism

Syawal is here again! Yup...the annual visitings of relatives & friends is here again! And definitely it is the season that Aqil dislikes...hehehe! 

While all of us are looking forward to Eid, our lil king is among them who'd wish otherwise especially the visitings part.
Alhamdulillah...being the 7th year of Eid for him...he's adapting much better each year. With the years of experience and observing, we realised that Aqil will enter the house if there's no crowd or the house is spacious or there's a space in the house that he can be by himself. Otherwise, he'd not enter & will scream if forced to. 

Most relatives have known of Aqil's condition (of course) but they are very concerned about him especially if he chose to stay out...hehehe! 

And it is during such events that gadgets & technology are very very very us! Haha! 
With an ipad & even better with internet connection, Aqil will be kept occupied & we can mingle with the relatives & friends.

Two days ago, we went to a cousin's wedding. Luckily Aqil was asleep throughout the event! Haha! 
Yup, our lil king didn't sleep the whole night before and only fell asleep in the car , on the way to the wedding. 
Thank you Ya Rabb! 

And yesterday...we continued our Raya visitings in JB. One thing I dread is the fact that there'll be no internet connection unless we are at a house with Wifi. 
But alhamdulillah, Aqil wasn't cranky when told that there's no internet hence he could only draw or play apps that requires no internet. 
He also fell asleep in between hence we were able to bring him into the houses. Hehe! 

He stayed outside at the first house. Refused to be brought in even after he fell asleep on the chair...thus we had to put him in the car so that he could lie down. 

His grandpa was even cushioning Aqil with his arm when Aqil started dozing off. 
That was such a sweet sight! 

And at another house...he walked away when my brother-in-law brought his plate of food out of the house & ate nearby Aqil. He walked towards the gate and sat there to eat his wafers instead of the chair that he was sitting on earlier. 

I do believe that there are parents who'd opt to avoid visitings with their child(ren) diagnosed with autism. But we'd think of it otherwise. We'd want Aqil to get used to such visitings coz it is an annual thing & we want him to know the relatives & vice versa. 

And it is never about us ignoring our lil king. Letting him be as he is just so we can eat & be! Never that in mind! 
We're visiting...its a festive season...we do not wish to destroy that feel. 
The world is not just about us...not just about autism...especially during festives or events. 
We are just being like any other family, enjoying the festive season. We'd love to enjoy the gatherings & be able to mingle & catch up with the others...and we can best do that when Aqil is calm & comfortable at each & every house. 

Thank you to all for understanding!
Thank you Ya Rabb for everything...❤️❤️❤️.